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Our program is based on routine, stability and security.
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Having a child with Down Syndrome is a journey. Start your journey with us.
At Up with Down’s we create an environment where your child can develop and thrive into a happy and well balanced individual with special needs. We provide not only excellent special needs education, but opportunities to make friends and interact with the world in a sheltered setting.
If you are interested in enrolling your young child with Down Syndrome with us, please visit the Contact Us page to enquire.
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25 Years Coffee Table Book
Read the story of Up with Downs in our newly launched coffee table book. As we celebrate 25 years, we look back on humble beginnings and share the story of our journey from being a small playgroup of 4, to a facility that takes pride in caring for 45 young people with various different special needs.
Order your copy for only R600 by calling the shool during school hours: 044 870 8770.