Graduation 2016


The 2016 Graduates.

Let me introduce you to the Graduates


Maria Van Dalen, 17 years old.

Dalene and Corrie are very proud of Maria. Maria started at Up With Down’s when she was 5 years old, for a year and then returned later at the age of 14. We are very privileged to have Maria at Up With Down’s and in 2017 she will be joining in at the Adult Center.


Marne Dekoker, 18 years old.

Marne started with Up With Down’s when she was 4 years old. She stole many hearts with her sweetness. The cutest little 4 year old ever. Marne parents; Marnette and Toog have been great supporters of Marne and Up With Down’s. Bianca, Senior Teacher and Marnette proudly stand by her in this special graduation moment. Marne will continue to break hearts when she join’s the Adult center in 2017.


Annika Boshoff, 19 years old.

Annika started at Up With Down’s when she was 1 year old, part of the founder members of Up With Down’s. (She left for a year at 5 years old). Brenda and Bennie, with her brother are very proud of the young lady Annika has become. Brenda has been an integral part of the Up With Down’s staff and awareness team. Annika will be joining the Green Team at the Adult center in 2017.


Jaco Bothma, 18 years old.

Jaco started at Up With Down’s when he was 5 years old. The real man among all the young ladies at Up With Down’s. His mom Elrina has guided him, to flourish into a young gentleman. Bianca, teacher will miss his energy in her class room when he moves on to The Adult Center in 2017.




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